Hematite (Tumbled)
Best known as the “Blood Stone”. Hematite is a grounding stone that is mostly used for protection and stability. When your emotions run high or the stress of life is overwhelming, use Hematite to balance these emotions. The word "hematite" is derived from a Greek word that means "blood." A very supportive stone for women, Hematite boosts self-esteem, invigorates willpower, and radiates confidence, while removing self-imposed limitations and doubt. Hematite is a protective stone that eliminates negativity from our Aura returning us to a harmonious state. Because of its high iron content, hematite is used in the treatment of anemia and circulatory problems. It clears and re-aligns your root chakra, allowing any unwanted or unnecessary energy to drain down and out of the body.
Purpose: Balance, Confidence, Focus, Detoxifying
Chakra: Root
Zodiac: Aquarius & Aries
Element: Earth & Fire
Typical colors: Metallic grey, dull to bright "rust-red"